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10 qualities of a successful leader

Are you a performer or a leader? What qualities are important for a leader’s success?

It is not a secret that in companies, employees are divided into two categories: those who make decisions, manage all business processes, and those who implement these changes. The former are called leaders, and others – performers.

1. Systems thinking is the basis of the personal qualities of a leader. In the process of practical activity, it is necessary to be able to think – to determine in advance possible difficulties and ways to overcome them. The skill of systems thinking helps to cover all aspects of the matter and influencing factors.

2. Ability to make decisions. Leaders face a myriad of challenges on a daily basis, and this should be done based not only on understanding the situation, but also on personal values and principles. If personal values are not clear to the leader and others, they will be perceived in a distorted form.

3. Creative thinking. Ability to think outside the box, combining the benefits of accumulated experience with original, innovative management methods. The skill of developing non-standard management decisions is required in conditions when alternative options for action are unclear or questionable.

4. Result-oriented. A successful leader quickly reacts to changes in the situation, independently makes effective decisions in the face of a shortage of time, consistently and purposefully achieves the set goal, separating the main from the secondary, without drowning in routine.

5. The ability for introspection, a sober assessment of one’s actions, the ability to make the most of the positive experience of others. A person must understand the role of a leader in the organization, be able to see what influence he has on the organization.

6. Sociability. An effective leader builds a communication system in the organization, receives reliable information and evaluates it effectively. Any manager spends a significant part of his working time on communication. Therefore, an important professional quality for him is the ability to carry out business communications with people, regardless of his own emotional assessments.

7. Leadership. The manager encourages the participation of employees in the discussion of problems, is able to abandon his point of view if they prove that it is not effective. Expresses only constructive criticism to subordinates.

8. Stress tolerance. A modern leader must be highly resistant to frustration, be sometimes cold-blooded. Those who do not know how to manage themselves, deal with conflicts and stresses, use their time, energy and skills effectively are limited by this inability and cannot manage other people.

9. Constant self-development. Professionalism is a self-growing value. The leader sgould be able to be an example by raising the level of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills, general cultural growth. It is extremely important to systematically demonstrate a good command of the technology of intellectual self-expression when making management decisions.

10. Responsibility for their actions and delegation. In other words, the leader sets an example for others. The standards used to assess the quality of work should be the same for everyone. The leader shares with his subordinates both the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat.

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