For Employers +370 68534553

Post Archive by Month: February,2020

About us “CVmira”

Dear ladies and gentlemen, We receive many e-mails and calls about workers for different fabrics, plants, warehouses and so on. According to that, we see that there is a need to tell you one more time about CVmira services. CVmira is not ordinary recruitment agency as others recruitment agencies. It is a communication platform between employee and employer. In addition,

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Recruitment agencies+resume databas

The European Union has become attractive platform for young specialists to start their career. It offers many different recruitment agencies and a large amount of vacancies. However, when you are not a native citizen of a country, which is in the European Union, it is very difficult to find trustworthy agency. According to that we have created very special and

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Season works in Greece

Hey, there! “It’s cold outside, baby!” – This phrase is very common to many public places that try to attract client, but not for bars, cafes, hotels and so on in Greece. There is nice weather during almost whole year. According to fact that Greece is perfect country for summer vacation and not only, there is always need in workers

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About Us

CVmira is a communication platform for employers and candidates.

We provide access to CVs and job postings but take no liability for the information provided by users and provide no guarantees of employment.

Please contact info@cvmira.com with any questions about our platform.


+370 68534553


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