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Post Archive by Month: September,2021

Strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish economy

Strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish economy It is profitable to do business in Spain, but it is difficult to call this country a universal point of interest for business people. Here, in some places, the patriarchal way of business has been preserved, small family companies and a general orientation towards a small, chamber format. Good or bad, each of

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The labor market in Germany.

In the short term the specialists set aside the recovery of the economy after the lockdowns for two years. But even with all the negative consequences of the crisis decisive for the German labor market they consider 2 factors: demographic situation and economic structural transformation. In general, the number of inhabitants will increase slightly by 2040 and will be about

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We are happy that our issues about different situations in economics, business and others are very popular among different kind of people. The information discovered in our articles is always up to date, interesting and can be useful in planning your own business. We try to figure out what issues have the largest demand, searching for new reliable information and

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