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The labor deficit in Poland is growing rapidly. Over the next few years, the Polish economy will be in need of 3-4 million workers, and by 2050 local enterprises will in lack of about 10 million workers.

The labor deficit in Poland is growing rapidly. Over the next few years, the Polish economy will be in need of 3-4 million workers, and by 2050 local enterprises will in lack of about 10 million workers. According to forecasts of the Central Statistical Office (Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego – GUS), the Polish labor market will lack up to 10 million

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7 tips to motivate employees

1 Opportunities for potential growth If a person constantly does the same thing, he is demotivated. If he doesn’t grow up as a personality, his motivation ends very quickly. The conveyor belt is the worst thing that can be in terms of motivation. When a person has the opportunity to learn something new, attend workshops, gain new skills, it always

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Oxford University

Our secondary education is not enough for admission to British universities, not even mentioning Oxford. But if many other universities can be almost guaranteed to enter after a one-year Foundation preparatory program, then to enter Oxford or Cambridge University you need to study in the UK for at least two years under the A-levels or International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and

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High blood pressure: it’s not worth relying on medication only – these small changes can help

Salty and fatty foods, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, constant or prolonged nervous tension, disregard for signals sent by the body are allies of arterial hypertension. If a patient has an entry for “arterial hypertension” in the medical history of the elderly family members, then the risk of the disease increases even more. People with extra weight have arterial hypertension up

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The Ministry of Economy and Innovation offers Belarusian companies incentives for relocating businesses to Lithuania, investing at least 1.5 million euros

The amendments to the Law on Investments and Employment, submitted to the Seimas, state that Belarusian companies that have concluded investment agreements with the Government of Lithuania will be able to have some benefits. In addition, they will have to invest at least 1.5 million euros, create at least 20 job positions and pay at least 1.5 average wages. If

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EU financial support

Poland, Italy, Spain will be the first to receive EU financial support for jobs under the SURE program in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis – this information was announced by the Poland’s radio. “These three countries had negative effect caused by the crisis. The money will reach them very quickly. We are doing everything we can to save

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Types and prices of local transport in Vilnius

It is known fact that Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and its largest city, with a population of 570,806 as of 2019.  According to this fact, Vilnius town offers to its’ citizens and guest one additional type of transportation – trolleybus. Both bus and trolleybus networks belongs to Vilnius Public Transport. Here bellow You can find different types of tickets. http://www.vilniustransport.lt/lt/pages/view/?id=53 Since

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Мероприятия, празднества и развлечения в Литве

Государственные праздники Литвы: 1 января – Новый год; 16 февраля – День восстановления Литовского государства; 11 марта – День восстановления независимости Литвы; 27 марта (2016 г.) – Пасха; 1 мая – Международный день солидарности трудящихся; Первое воскресенье мая (3 мая) – День матери; Первое воскресенье июня (7 июня) – День отца; 24 июня – Йонинес (Иванов день); 6 июля –

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Трудовая иммиграция

Гражданину зарубежного государства, желающему работать и на этом основании жить в Литве, следует найти в Литве предприятие, которое согласится принять его на работу. Иностранец, желающий работать в Литве, должен иметь соответствующую квалификацию, необходимую для предполагаемой должности, документ, подтверждающий наличие такой квалификации, а в определённых случаях – и документы, подтверждающие наличие не менее однолетнего опыта работы в соответствующей области в течение

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