It is not a secret that quarantine has changed the view not only on employers, but also about
worker’s devotion. Some of them has left their jobs, some of them tried to manipulate and others
are extremely searching for new working places.
One of the internet resources says that devotion to your work works for you. We agree with that.
Hard times shows how devoted to your work you are, how responsible you are and is your job a
dream job.
The Responsible Worker is a worker who not only is accountable for specific results but also has
authority to do whatever is necessary to produce these results and, finally, is committed to these
results as a personal achievement.
The plus of job social network platform CVmira is that here every potential worker can be
checked by employer. Here you can check the ability of worker to communicate, ask about his
experience, made to know his language knowledges. We think that every employer has its own
expectations about how his future worker will look like. Moreover, he knows what will be best
for him and what kind of questions during the conversation will be suitable. CVmira allows
employer to know his workers from the get go by contrast with standard recruitment consultant.