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Employees’ moods are changing: there are more people worried about their job

We know how tired you are about this world wide situation, but let’s through real statistic facts,
maybe it’s not really scary?!
Compared to 2019, the number of people who are currently not afraid of losing their job has
decreased by 13.5 per cent, while those who are afraid of their livelihood have increased by
almost 11 per cent. Such review were given by the specialist of search portal.
“In July, it seemed worth waiting a bit more and the coronavirus and related business” closure
“would be a thing of the past. We were glad that the Lithuanian economy came out of quarantine
with probably the lowest losses in Europe. However, with the growing up number of infections,
the pressure on business is growing up also, especially for catering and accommodation
businesses, as well as for businesses providing various services to the population and other
businesses”,- says Raimonda Tatarelyte, Marketing Manager specialist of search
The percentage of irreparable optimists, compared to the current situation last year, has more
than doubled – from 27.8 percent up to 13.5 percent. Men, like last year, remained more
optimistic this year, although their share from 22.2 percent skied to 21.5 percent.
Confidence about their skills also declined. If in 2019 21.6 per cent of women who said that they
were not afraid of the threat of unemployment because they had a good specialty, now only 16.9
per cent. Men’s confidence fell even more – from 30.2 percent up to 22.5 percent.
“Women also reacted more strongly to the changing economic situation. In May last year, only
16.3 percent of women were alarmed, and this year it was already 29.8 percent. Men reacted
more moderately to the economic difficulties – the indicator increased from 12.7 percent up to
18.8 percent. It is worth noting that in the sectors most affected by the pandemic (eg
accommodation, catering, tourism) there are significantly more women working, so their greater
anxiety is completely logical, ”explains the CVMarket.  lt representative”, – notes Raimonda.
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