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Fresh view on Vilnius city

Earlier this year, most travel experts predicted that the trend of staycation would be the most
popular. They probably have predicted the future without even knowing what to expect this year.
It is time to take fresh look on Vilnius city.
It is worth starting your trip from the unofficially most narrow Vilnius street. This narrowest
street is near M.K. Chiurlionis House (Savichiaus St. 11). Stop for a moment and listen to a
recording of the piano music emanating from the basement of these houses.
And then if you’re lucky and the gate would not be closed, because it is a private area and not for
tourists, you should go bromine, turn right and go through a low and narrow tunnel. On the left
you will also see the narrowest nameless Vilnius street. The width of this street is up to 0.6
Also we would like to mention such place in Vilnius like Uzupis. It is a neighborhood in
Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, largely located in Vilnius’s old town, a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. Užupis means “beyond the river” or “the other side of the river” in the Lithuanian
language and refers to the Vilnia River; the name Vilnius was derived from the Vilnia. The
district has been popular with artists for some time, and has been compared to Montmartre in
Paris and to Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen, due to its bohemian and laissez-faire
atmosphere. On April 1, 1998, the district declared itself an independent republic (The Republic
of Užupis).