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How to save money? Tips to do that!

Hey, guys! New year and new topic to discuss.  We were thinking about what theme will be interesting to You? And You know what? We decided to give You some tips how to save money! We think that this theme will be interesting to everyone and it does not depend how much money you earn.

So let get it started!

  1. Move bank accounts to take advantage of perks and earn more interest.
  2. Establish your budget. The best way to jumpstart establishing a budget is to realize your spending habits.
  3. Cut down on groceries.
  4. Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships.
  5. Make a savings plan.
  6. Find ways you can cut your spending.
  7. Set saving goals – save for your exact future.
  8. Set your priorities.
  9. Use the 24-Hour Rule.

And more about the last tip – the 24-Hour Rule. We think that this tip will be common to everyone.

Avoid purchasing expensive or unnecessary items on impulse with a self-imposed 24-hour rule. For any non-essential item, wait 24 hours before purchasing. It’s perfect for online shopping where your items can simply be added to your cart to purchase later.