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The world is mine

Every time when you are thinking about to travel abroad or not, certainly choose the first variant. The reason is that here you combine both: working and traveling. The first reason is very clear – you are going to earn money and to build your future carrier. To start your carrier, please, visit unformal recruitment consultant- CVmira.

The second one is getting travelling experience in different European countries.

When you get work permission in European Union, you can travel over all Europe. There are different ways to do: buses, trains, planes, or even autostop or hitchhiking, what is very popular in Europe.

Hitchhiking (also known as thumbing or hitching) is a means of transportation that is gained by asking individuals, usually strangers, for a ride in their car or other vehicle. The ride is usually, but not always, free.

So let’s look through this theme.

The three most important factors for getting a ride are: location, location, and location. You need to find a place where you can be seen early (to give the driver time to decide to pick you up), and where the driver can safely pull over. Ideally, there should be some traffic, but not too much either, as this makes pulling over difficult and makes drivers assume that you can always get a ride with somebody else.

In addition, many Facebook groups allows finding co-traveler, for example, such group as “Travelling from point A to point B” have posts with information about travelling within the certain country. It also allows saving some money ant travel by car with comfort. The concept is simple, people that own a car offer their ride to people that seek a ride.

Also you have pay attention to safety.

Take care who you get a ride with. Some criminals prey on hitchhikers. If in doubt, turn down the ride. If you’re in doubt, ask the driver where they’re going and tell them you’re heading elsewhere.

Note the vehicle registration, and its make, model, and color before you take a ride. If you have a cellphone, text this information to a friend.

Better yet, take a picture of the car as it approaches and send to a friend. Ask if the driver minds if you take their picture, too (explain your safety concern – it may also reassure them that you’re safe).