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High blood pressure: it’s not worth relying on medication only – these small changes can help

Salty and fatty foods, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, constant or prolonged nervous
tension, disregard for signals sent by the body are allies of arterial hypertension. If a patient has
an entry for “arterial hypertension” in the medical history of the elderly family members, then
the risk of the disease increases even more.
People with extra weight have arterial hypertension up to six times more often than normal
weight patients. Maintaining an optimal body weight requires a healthier diet (choosing more
plant food instead of animal food, giving up high amounts of sugar, sweets, sweet drinks, refined
products), more exercise and constant monitoring of body weight.
Reducing salt intake can be extremely beneficial, as excessive salt intake is one of the most
important risk factors for arterial hypertension.
Alcohol and smoking must be avoided. These harmful habits accelerate the progression of the
Stress is unavoidable, but efforts should be made to limit its occurrence.