Dear ladies and gentlemen,
We receive many e-mails and calls about workers for different fabrics, plants, warehouses and so on. According to that, we see that there is a need to tell you one more time about CVmira services. CVmira is not ordinary recruitment agency as others recruitment agencies. It is a communication platform between employee and employer. In addition, if you want to find an employee, you can just register on our web site and make free CV search or buy a special package, if you want to get more opportunities and options.
As we said previously, we think that the best result will be when employee and employer will communicate directly. CVmira is like a bridge between two parts. Communication skills are abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information. So it is very important to start from this part, it is no matter if you search workers or searching for work place.
Moreover, you have to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues and staff, no matter what industry you work in.